Oakland Coliseum Intercity Amtrak Rail Station Project

Project Location
Oakland, California
Project Dates
2004 – 2005
Services Provided
Project management services
The project work scope consists of the construction of a new un-staffed Amtrak railroad station, platform and shelters, adjacent parking lot, improvements to 73rd Ave, and a handicapped ramp to overhead pedestrian crossing between BART Coliseum Station and the Coliseum. The facility has a 450-foot platform, three shelters, and a 35-space parking lot. The platform was constructed on the Union Pacific Railroad right of way. A new platform opened at Berkeley on September 17, 2005, for use by Capitol Corridor passengers. New pedestrian bridge connecting to the original BART-Oakland Coliseum thus enabling transfers between the two services. The Coliseum Intercity Rail Platform project was funded by the City of Oakland’s Redevelopment Agency, California Department of Transportation, Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority, and Alameda County Congestion Management Agency.