Injector Support Facilities –SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Project Location
San Mateo County, California
Project Dates
Services Provided
Construction Management
The Sector 10 Injector Support Facilities is part of the larger LCLS II project. The scope of work entails the demolition of the existing Sector 10 Alcove Building, construction of a new Sector 10 Injector Support Building, RF Hut, Motor Control Center (MCC), process cooling water system, and supporting utilities. The construction would include a surface building and utilities to support the injector. The support building would be designed to provide an enclosure for the injector laser. The injector support building would house the laser room, which would require constant volume air distribution. An air handling system would deliver a constant 12,000 cubic feet per minute (cfm) of conditioned air to the laser room, 7,000 cfm to the west end of the building, and 3,000 cfm for critical data room applications. The injector would also require a new 12 kilovolt (kV), 1,500-kilovolt ampere (kVA) electrical substation, and a 15 kV outdoor medium voltage switchgear. The switchgear would isolate the new substation for Sector 10 injector facility loads from the existing substation.